Why reading is important for your personal development.

Andrey Byhalenko
2 min readJun 13, 2024


Have you ever considered how a simple habit of reading a few pages each day could reshape your life?

From enhancing creativity to building empathy, the act of reading books offers more than just entertainment, it’s a transformative experience that enriches your life.

Reading develops discipline and improves your language skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing).

Photo by Kimberly Farmer on Unsplash

Most people stop reading as soon as they graduate from college.

Take a ride on the subway. What percentage of passengers read books?
Five percent at best. Most of the people just stuck to their phones, scrolling.

Most people watch TV shows and movies in their “free time” instead of reading books.

I have nothing against movies or TV shows, but reading does amazing things to your brain.

When you watch a movie, your brain is passive.

Your brain doesn’t need to think out or visualize anything, the filmmakers have already done everything for you. Your brain just absorbs information like a sponge.

When you read, your brain is active.

It creates a picture based on what you read. Your brain is solving a puzzle. It uses imagination to visualize written words. Your brain is working hard when you read, creating new neural connections.

It’s like when you become stronger by lifting weights.

Reading dramatically improves your language skills (speaking, listening, reading, and writing).

Language is the key to expressing thoughts, emotions, and ideas, and one of the most effective ways to enhance this tool is through reading. The act of reading exposes you to a rich amount of words and phrases, contributing to the expansion of your linguistic arsenal.

By turning the pages, we not only embark on a journey of stories and ideas but also of words. Each new word we encounter and absorb is like a key, unlocking more sophisticated and nuanced means of expression. In a world where communication is vital, a robust vocabulary is a tool that empowers and enlightens.

Reading is hard, it requires discipline. It develops discipline.

While the benefits of reading are numerous, it’s important to acknowledge that developing and maintaining a reading habit is not always easy. In an age of instant gratification and endless digital entertainment, the disciplined practice of reading itself can be a challenge.

So pick up a book and commit to reading just a few pages.

It’s a simple step, but one that can lead to a remarkable journey of personal and intellectual growth.

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Andrey Byhalenko

I'm a DevOps Engineer, Photography Enthusiast, and Traveler. I write articles aimed at junior DevOps engineers and those aspiring to become DevOps engineers.